miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012

jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012

lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012

Verb/preposition + Gerund

1) Read descriptions A-C of the three films and match them with the film posters.

2)Complete the descriptions with the gerund form of the verbs.

martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

What happened?!

1) Watch this video ;D

2)Use this verbs to explain what you saw in the video.

3) Use simple past and past continuous and make a sequence of actions and write it as a comment.
- Use this beginning.

" One stormy night, Kevin was sitting in a cafe  thinking quietly when he suddenly..........."

Funny situations....

1) Read these stories

2) Look at these pictures. 
What are these things?
Have you ever lose one of them?

3)In pairs, choose one object and write about your funny situation with that object.

Let's make your own story!

1) Read these pieces of stories.

a) “When I entered the bazaar, a couple of merchants were trying to sell some bargains to some naive tourists. (...)”
(ask price- cheat –argue – not buy anything- call the police)

b) “When I walked into the busy office, the secretary was talking on the phone with a customer. (...)”phonecalls -managers argue- see smoke- come from the window- call the police and firefighters)

c) “When Matt arrived at Susan’s house a little bit before 9:00 PM, she was studying for her final exam. Everything was calm when suddenly...”
(dog start to bark – someone knock at the door – ask for the telephone- steal money- noone realize)

2) In pairs, choose one and add more information to make it longer.
3) Use power point or paint to make the story
4) Add images illustrating what you narrate and add bubbles with texts. :D

Extra Online practice

Past Simple/ Past Continuous tenses.

-Here there are some useful links to practice

 Enjoy them!

jueves, 9 de agosto de 2012

Movie time!!

1) Watch this scene
-Have you seen this movie?
- Do you know the main characters?
-What kind of movie is it? (terror, comic, drama, love, adventure)


2) Listening Comprehension
-Watch the video again and pay attention to it! (You can pause and rewind the video.)
-Choose the best option for each sentence below the video.
-Check your answers with your partner.

1. According to the black cat, how often does Bolt (the dog) leave the movie set?
Two times a week
Once a month

2. Are the cats really evil?
No, they're just pretending to be evil to have fun with Bolt
The skinny one is evil, but the fat one isn't

3. Who is the cats' boss?
The "green man"
The "green eyed man"

4. The black cat thinks that Bolt's message to the "green eyed man" _____________________.
is too long
is not very nice
is not necessary

5. What does the term "she's a goner" mean?
She is not around
She is not reliable
She's doomed

Movie time!

1) Watch this scene
-Have you seen this movie?
- Do you know the main characters?
- What kind of movie is it? (Terror, comic, drama, love, adventure)

2) Listening Comprehension
-Watch the video again and pay attention to it! (You can pause and rewind the video.)
-Choose the best option for each sentence below the video.
-Check your answers with your partner.

1. How long has Liz either "been with a guy or breaking up with a guy"?
  For the past 15 years
  Since she was 15
  15 times

2. Liz's friend thinks Liz will miss her _____________________.
  friends and family

3. Liz wants to _______________________.
  increase her ability to work harder
  recover her appetite for life
  find the perfect spaghetti recipe

4. Liz thinks that Italy is a place where she will be able to _______________________.
  get excited about life again
  go on a diet

5. Liz's friend thinks that Liz ________________________.
  should go back to college
  should go talk with a college kid
  is behaving in an immature way

THE SIMPSONS: Some selection of Scenes

1) First, watch these scenes about The Simpsons
-Then, read the sentences below and choose which one belongs to one scene and which ones to the other scene.

-Marge tells him that he’s in the way.
-He feels depressive about not being smart.

-He says that the can opener doesn’t work.
-He is annoyed by the idea.

-He ends up not really helping her at all.
-Marge thinks that he should take an adult education course.
-He claims that when he learns something new, he forgets something else. 

-He leaves the can on the counter.

Now, it's your turn!

*A little bit of ancient treasures

1) Open this link and watch the scene.

-Explain what happened in the scene using these words.

sábado, 9 de junio de 2012

More exercises

Click on the link and solve the activities.

Healthy Eating Habits

Look at the picture and write 10 sentences using  should, shouldn't, have to, must.
For example: We should avoid using butter excessively since it is bad for our health.


1. Read the song and comment on it with your classmates.


Don't look at me

Every day is so wonderful
And suddenly, it's hard to breathe
Now and then, I get insecure
From all the fame, I'm so ashamed

I am beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring me down
I am beautiful in every single way

Yes, words can't bring me down
So don't you bring me down today

To all your friends, you're delirious
So consumed in all your doom
Trying hard to fill the emptiness
The piece is gone and the puzzle undone
That's the way it is

You are beautiful no matter what they say
Words won't bring you down
You are beautiful in every single way
Yes, words won't bring you down
Don't you bring me down today...

No matter what we do 
(no matter what we do)
No matter what they say 
(no matter what they say)
When the sun is shining through
Then the clouds won't stay

And everywhere we go 
(everywhere we go)
The sun won't always shine 
(sun won't always shine)
But tomorrow will find a way 
All the other times

We are beautiful no matter what they say
Yes, words won't bring us down
We are beautiful no matter what they say
Yes, words can't bring us down
Don't you bring me down today

Don't you bring me down today
Don't you bring me down today.

2. Oral discussion
-What are the lyrics about?
-What do you think about the phrases that are bigger than the rest?
-You are going to see the video of the song. What do you think you are going to see?


Video session

After watching
-Which topics could you observe in the video?
-What do you know about them?
-Can you find information about them?

domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012

Do you know...??????

Do you know that there are key food that help to increase our concentration when studying?

ACTIVITY: Find out at least three (3) types of food that help students increase their concentration.
Then, suppose you are a Doctor and you recommend students what they should eat in order to increase their concentration when studying.

Knowing about Rafael Nadal’s Diet

Nadal’s diet is called Paleo diet. It’s not difficult to follow because it is basically just eating real food that grows naturally. This diet is based on the foods consumed by our ancient ancestors of the Paleolithic Era, some two thousand five hundred years ago. Rafael’s diet consists of eating lean meats, fowl (that’s bird meat like chicken or turkey), seafood, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. The diet is well balanced and nutritional. Other items in the diet should be grains, eggs, fruit, vegetables, insects, nuts, seeds, mushrooms, herbs and spices.

ACTIVITY: Compare Nadal's diet with yours. Are they similar/ different? 
Now, write about your diet.


Healthy Harry or Junk food Jack????

1- What do you usually have for breakfast? 
    a-A cup of tea or coffee.
    b- Nothing.
    c- A glass of milk and toast or cereal.

2- How many meals do you have a day?
    a- one big meal.
    b- 3 or 4 small meals.
    c-2 meals.

3- How much water do you drink a day?
    a-1 big bottle 
    b- 1 glass
    c- 1 small bottle.

4-Do you eat vegetables and fruits?
   a-yes, every day.
   b-yes, but not very often.
   c- no, never

5- How much chocolate do you eat a week?
   a-I don't eat any chocolate
   b-A  lot!Over seven bars of chocolate
   c- About 2-3 bars

6-Do you eat junk food?
a- Yes, very often
b- No, never
c- Sometimes 

Food Pyramids

1)  Look at these Food Pyramids
2) What are the differences between them? Why are they so different?
3) Is your Diet similar or different to any of these models?
4) Find extra information about them. You can use these links also :)


lunes, 2 de abril de 2012

Must/ Have to

1)Complete the following text:

My uncle Marty is an ambulance driver. His job is exciting but it isn't easy at all. An ambulance driver ________ drive quickly when there is an emergency. It's a good thing he _________ follow the traffic rules, like everybody else. For example, he _________ stop at a red light: however, he _________ drive carefully. At the same time, an ambulance driver ________ be very calm. In order to become an ambulance driver, you ___________ take lots of special courses. I'm thinking about becoming an ambulance driver when I grow up, but I ________ decide yet.

Use the following verbs and provide instructions for someone who wants to create a facebook account.

Example: First of all, you have to google and enter in the facebook's link. Then, you have to complete all the requested personal information.

Relative Pronouns: who/which/whose

- Is used forPEOPLE:
"David lives near my house. He walks to school every day" = "David, who walks to school every day, lives near my house."
WHO refers to DAVID

- Is used forANIMALS/THINGS:
"The red sweater is dirty. I was wearing it yesterday."= "The red sweater, which I was wearing yesterday, is dirty."
("it" doesn't appear in the relative clause, because the referent is "which" now)

- Is used to expressPOSSESSION:
"Anne is moving to London. Her husband is working in England."=
"Anne, whose husband is working in England, is moving to London."

-Choose one of the following relative pronouns who, which or whose from the dropdown menu.

1) I talked to the girl car _____________ had broken down in front of the shop.
2) Mr Richards, is a taxi driver, _____________ lives on the corner.
3) We often visit our aunt in Norwich ___________ is in East Anglia.
4) This is the girl ____________ comes from Spain.
5) That's Peter, the boy ___________ has just arrived at the airport.
6) Thank you very much for your e-mail _____________ was very interesting.
7) The man, ______________ is a professor, forgot his umbrella.
8) The children, ______________shouted in the street, are not from our school.
9) The car driver, _________ is a young man, is from Ireland.
10) What did you do with the money _____________your mother lent you?

- Rewrite the sentences using a relative pronoun (who, which, whose), add commas where necessary.

a) The film had already started when we arrived. It was very romantic.
EXAMPLE: The film, which had already started when we arrived, was very romantic.
b) My grandfather is a very optimistic man. His third wife died three years ago.
c) I bought all the ingredients. I needed them to prepare a cake.
d) Tom and Sara went to the cinema last weekend. They usually come to the pub.
e) Alice went to the police station yesterday. Her handbag was stolen in Oxford Street.
f) My classmates went to the Natural History Museum last Friday. They love nature.
g) My grandfather has lived in Oxford all his life. He was born in Italy.
h) Alice is sad because she has lost her handbag. It was new.