jueves, 9 de agosto de 2012

THE SIMPSONS: Some selection of Scenes

1) First, watch these scenes about The Simpsons
-Then, read the sentences below and choose which one belongs to one scene and which ones to the other scene.

-Marge tells him that he’s in the way.
-He feels depressive about not being smart.

-He says that the can opener doesn’t work.
-He is annoyed by the idea.

-He ends up not really helping her at all.
-Marge thinks that he should take an adult education course.
-He claims that when he learns something new, he forgets something else. 

-He leaves the can on the counter.

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  2. SCENE 1
    1-Marge tells him that he’s in the way.
    3-He says that the can opener doesn’t work.
    4-He ends up not really helping her at all.
    2-He leaves the can on the counter.
    SCENE 2
    1-He feels depressive about not being smart.
    3-He is annoyed by the idea.
    2-Marge thinks that he should take an adult education course.
    4-He claims that when he learns something new, he forgets something else.

  3. Second scene:
    -He feels depressive about not being smart.

    -Marge thinks that he should take an adult education course.
    -He is annoyed by the idea.

    -He claims that when he learns something new, he forgets something else.

    First scene:
    -Marge tells him that he’s in the way.
    -He leaves the can on the counter.
    -He says that the can opener doesn’t work.
    He ends up not really helping her at all.
    Valentina Julian

  4. No Room In My Brein:

    -He feels depressive about not being smart.
    -Marge thinks that he should take an adult education course.
    -He is annoyed by the idea.
    -He claims that when he learns something new, he forgets something else.

    Bart's Cranberry Sauce:

    -He leaves the can on the counter.
    -Marge tells him that he’s in the way.
    -He says that the can opener doesn’t work.
    -He ends up not really helping her at all.

    Macarena y Juliana

  5. First Scene:
    3-He says that the can opener doesn’t work.
    1-Marge tells him that he’s in the way.
    2-He leaves the can on the counter.
    4-He ends up not really helping her at all.

    Second Scene:
    4-He claims that when he learns something new, he forgets something else.
    1-He feels depressive about not being smart.
    2-Marge thinks that he should take an adult education course.
    3-He is annoyed by the idea.

    Mariano Hansen Tomas Beneitez
