jueves, 9 de agosto de 2012

Movie time!

1) Watch this scene
-Have you seen this movie?
- Do you know the main characters?
- What kind of movie is it? (Terror, comic, drama, love, adventure)

2) Listening Comprehension
-Watch the video again and pay attention to it! (You can pause and rewind the video.)
-Choose the best option for each sentence below the video.
-Check your answers with your partner.

1. How long has Liz either "been with a guy or breaking up with a guy"?
  For the past 15 years
  Since she was 15
  15 times

2. Liz's friend thinks Liz will miss her _____________________.
  friends and family

3. Liz wants to _______________________.
  increase her ability to work harder
  recover her appetite for life
  find the perfect spaghetti recipe

4. Liz thinks that Italy is a place where she will be able to _______________________.
  get excited about life again
  go on a diet

5. Liz's friend thinks that Liz ________________________.
  should go back to college
  should go talk with a college kid
  is behaving in an immature way

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