jueves, 9 de agosto de 2012

Movie time!!

1) Watch this scene
-Have you seen this movie?
- Do you know the main characters?
-What kind of movie is it? (terror, comic, drama, love, adventure)


2) Listening Comprehension
-Watch the video again and pay attention to it! (You can pause and rewind the video.)
-Choose the best option for each sentence below the video.
-Check your answers with your partner.

1. According to the black cat, how often does Bolt (the dog) leave the movie set?
Two times a week
Once a month

2. Are the cats really evil?
No, they're just pretending to be evil to have fun with Bolt
The skinny one is evil, but the fat one isn't

3. Who is the cats' boss?
The "green man"
The "green eyed man"

4. The black cat thinks that Bolt's message to the "green eyed man" _____________________.
is too long
is not very nice
is not necessary

5. What does the term "she's a goner" mean?
She is not around
She is not reliable
She's doomed

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